Blog, Richard Smith

Richard Smith

Who is this white dude named Smith who came from the stars? Richard Smith is a Professional Life-Changing Speaker and Motivational Experiencer, Web Design Consultant and Visionary Author on the topic of Extraterrestrial Contact, the Moorish Legacy, Human Origins and related matters. Since 1991, he has been ‘downloading’ extraterrestrial information, turning it into the visual and literary expressions throughout his work as an artist, writer and speaker. His exploration into this realm began with acrylics. As time went on, the natural evolution of this exploration led him down the path of a mixed-media artist, writer and lecturer. In 1996, Smith graduated with high honors from New York State University for his dedicated work with Extraterrestrial Intervention and Alien Contact Phenomena.

A published author of two books, The Moor, The Mason And The Alien: A Call To Action and Legions of Light / Armies of Darkness, Smith is committed to raising conscious awareness in our health and well-being as Caretakers of the Planet as well as creating a better understanding of our place in the Cosmos, both physically and spiritually. He believes that we must focus on the Lost Knowledge of where we come from before we can truly understand the Ancient Wisdom of where we are going on the path of our everyday lives.

Combining his passion for truth and justice with extraterrestrial intervention, ancient history and alien contact, Smith is best known for his groundbreaking lecture presentations on the Moorish Legacy, White Freemasonry, the Temple of Solomon and the Alien Abduction Phenomenon. Spanning a tremendous cross-cultural spectrum, Smith’s lectures have inspired a wide range of people from multiple and diverse backgrounds while serving as a platform for a growing global movement, the human origins revolution, that began in New Egypt, New Jersey, at the Earth Mysteries and UFO/ET Conference in 2005.

Spearheading this revolution, he carries a dedicated special interest in making the manifestation of that movement, the annual Human Origins Conference, an international success in all regions of the global community for future generations while empowering people to realize how important they truly are in this grandest of all adventures known as life. He currently resides in Rio Rancho, New Mexico, with his wife Linda Smith. Working on his third book, The Moor, The Mason And The Alien Part II: A Vril Manifesto, he has been speaking worldwide with author events, interviews, lectures and conferences.

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Human Origins Conference:

The Moor, the Mason and the Alien: A Revolutionary Perspective on Humanity

This presentation will take the audience on an educational and riveting journey through our evolving global society, the ever-vigilant galactic community and the family of man, exploring all things extraterrestrial and discussing the metaphoric, sociological and historical symbolisms therein and how they relate to the human condition. It will explore the principal and central influences originating from ancient and modern history that have brought the human race to its present sociological state of critical mass. Using the cosmology of our solar system as a platform, subject matter relating to linguistics, economics, history, health and wealth will be discussed. Topics will include extraterrestrial intervention, alien contact, the Moorish legacy, the Masonic agenda, the Temple of Solomon, the gene for passion and the human (hue-man) being’s place in the scheme of things. Presented by Richard Smith.

Bringing Down Goliath: Flesh and Bone vs. Wood and Stone

A comprehensive organic battlefield resource guide for understanding the gonzo shenanigans of extraterrestrial intervention, creationism, evolution, linguistics, money, power, health, civil rights, real estate… and everything else, too.

This workshop presentation will serve as a continuation of my main presentation, The Moor, the Mason and the Alien: A Revolutionary Perspective on Humanity, taking the audience on an educational and riveting journey through our evolving global society, the ever-vigilant galactic community and the family of man, exploring all things extraterrestrial and discussing the metaphoric, sociological and historical symbolisms therein and how they relate to the human condition. It will explore the principal and central influences originating from ancient and modern history that have brought the human race to its present sociological state of critical mass. Using the cosmology of our solar system as a platform, subject matter relating to linguistics, economics, history, health and wealth will be discussed. Topics will include extraterrestrial intervention, alien contact, the Moorish legacy, the Masonic agenda, the Temple of Solomon, the gene for passion and the human (hue-man) being’s place in the scheme of things. Presented by Richard Smith.

Secret Space Program (SSP)
Experiencers, Contactees, Abductees
Time Travel, Teleportation, Technology, Solutions
Consciousness, Spirituality
Aliens, Extraterrestrials, Interdimensionals
You Tubes Links, Titles & Descriptions
Turtlegang Edutainment and TGEFilms present
“Is The Truth Out There?” with Richard Smith

TGEDragonTV presents
Richard Smith In Studio

Pan-African Studies Community Education Program presents
“European Confessions of a Moorish Legacy” with Richard Smith at Temple University
What topics do you cover in your research, books or work?
Lecture Itinerary:

History, Health and Wealth
Asteroids, Hemorrhoids and Other Shenanigans from Planet 10

by Richard Smith

I. Talking Points / Topics Discussed

A. Published Books
1. Legions of Light / Armies of Darkness
2. The Moor, The Mason And The Alien: A Call To Action
3. The Moor, The Mason And The Alien Part II: A Vril Manifesto

B. Repto-Sirian Fascism vs. the gene for passion
1. Vril power
2. Krist energy
3. Passion of the Krist

C. The Moorish Legacy (sun-kissed) vs. the Masonic Agenda (pale-skinned)
1. Why there is no such thing as a pale-skinned prophet

D. The Principles of Flesh and Bone vs. Wood and Stone
1. Robber barons, carpetbaggers and the Principles of Real Estate Investing
2. How it relates to extraterrestrial intervention and economic slavery

E. Mother Earth’s relationship with Abortion and Reincarnation

F. How to beat the Cancer Industry at its own game
1. The FDA and Pharmaceutical Industry’s agenda
2. The Fast Food/Junk Food Industry’s motto

G. Being a Master Investor vs. a Slave Consumer
1. Understanding the Principles and Philosophies of Wealth
2. Defending your Civil Rights at the State Government level

H. Understanding the Invisible College and its symbolism
1. The Moorish Legacy and the Masonic Agenda

I. New Projects and Initiatives
1. Human Origins Global Conference Tour
a. Site

II. Introduction

A. About Rick Smith
1. Overview of experiences
2. What brought me to this understanding?
3. Mission and focus
4. Mentors and inspirations
5. The missing piece
a. The Biography of Noble Drew Ali — The Exhuming of a Nation
– Elihu N. Pleasant-Bey
– Moorish Legacy
– Masonic Agenda

B. About the lecture
1. Structure of lecture presentation
a. History, Health and Wealth as holy trinity of a true democracy
b. Linguistics and Economics as bookends to that democracy
c. Robert Morning Sky cosmology
d. Noble Drew Ali Moorish Legacy
2. Structure of lecture syllabus
a. Why it exists
b. How to use it to your advantage

C. Conceptual understanding
1. Consumer Slave transcending to Master Investor
a. Self (666), Soul (777) and Spirit (888)
b. Circular Thought – Power of Creation
c. Layers or symbolism and the lynch pins of each
2. Flesh and Bone vs. Wood and Stone
a. Temple of Solomon (the sun-kissed)
b. White Freemasonry (the pale-skinned)
c. Book: Legions of Light / Armies of Darkness

III. History – Repto-Sirian Fascism vs. The Family of Man

A. Laying the foundation with Linguistics
1. Reptilian Kings and Queens of the Empire of Orion
a. SSS-TA Queens
b. How and why they took over
– Women as VPs looking through the glass ceiling
2. Sirian Feudal Lords of the Kanus Empire
a. King Anu – favored by SSS-TA queens
b. Prince Enlil (God, Anu’s son)
c. Lord Zu (Zeus) rebellion
3. Expanding empire reaches Earth’s kingdom (solar system)
a. Reptilian and Sirian empires working together
b. Global Real Estate and tradable commodities
c. Earth (Eridu) as the throne of power
d. The corporate structure begins
– Upper management (Enlil)
– Middle management (Anunnaki)
e. Anunnaki revolt

B. Adapa (Ape) – The Beast is created
1. Prince Ea (Enki, Diabol), Princess Nin-Hur-Sag (Sister, Creator)
a. Master Geneticists
b. Slave labor begins
c. Ankheles (Angels) pass on gene for passion
2. Enlil’s hatred towards Adapas
3. Enki’s rebellion – The Anointed Ones
a. Iesu (Adam) taught forbidden knowledge
b. Gene for passion used to awaken them
c. Enki as the “Ankh” of the ‘Ankh’eles
b. Adapas taught forbidden pleasure
4. Enlil’s slaughter of Adapas and Enki’s escape
a. Anointed Ones (Iesu) stay behind
– Adam, Sasquatch, Yowie, Yeti
– Guerilla warfare and underground movement begins
b. Adapas and Iesu inherit Enki’s royalty by blood
– Rightful heirs to Earth by Feudal law
5. Enlil’s reign of tyranny
a. Invents the term “Gad” (God) for himself
– Psychological warfare and brainwashing begins
b. Marduk and the Shetu (the Greys) overthrow Enlil
c. Shetu overthrow Marduk
– Everyone thrown out of Solar Kingdom
– Grays take over operations on Earth
– Last patriarchal takeover of the planet

C. Shetu Regime (Greys) and White Freemasonry
1. The new Upper Management (Amen Ra)
2. New Middle Management becomes Two-Party System
a. Raka-Pharaohs (Rockefellers)
b. Raka-Shields (Rothschilds)
3. Shetu (Shadow) Regime becomes Shadow Government
a. Amen-Ra recedes into background
b. Two-Party System moves into foreground as Upper Management
4. Grays known as Stonemasons
a. Allowed to walk “freely” among population as Gestapo
b. “Stonemason” becomes “Freemason”
5. Two-Party System becomes White Freemasonry and Masonic Agenda
a. Transference of power to obedient pale-skinned European
b. Extraterrestrial Freemasonry becomes Terrestrial Freemasonry

D. Ankheles (Angels) and the Family of Man – Temple of Solomon
1. The “Gene Code for Passion” becomes the “Passion of the Krist”
2. Legacy of the Adam becomes the Temple of Solomon
a. “Angels” become master teachers
– Master of the Craft
b. Bloodline of the Prophets
c. Anointed Ones become the Krist
– Term meant only for Major Prophets
– Also called “Architects” – not “Carpenters”
– Seal of the Prophets
3. Temple of Solomon comes into existence
a. The Moorish Legacy – the sun-kissed people of color and hue (“Hu”-man)
b. Amexem Empire of the Asiatic People
c. True custodians of Earth – “The meek shall inherit the land”
d. Khemetian Mysteries – Khemet (Africa, Egypt) becomes Islam (Arabia)
e. Hiram Abiff
– First African God-Man
– Master Architect of Temple of Solomon
– Assassinated by three Jubees: Jubelo, Jubela, Jubelum (Greys)
– Hiram Abiff’s tools (knowledge) are stolen
4. Pale-skinned abomination comes into existence – Northern Africa
a. Warlike and unruly, abusive and self-destructive
b. Cast out of Africa and dumped in barren wasteland – Europe (Europa)
c. Greys take advantage of European outcast
– Vendetta is fueled by embarrassment and hatred
– Promise of world domination

E. The Masonic Agenda spreads
1. Segregation and colonization
a. Native American genocide
b. Native Australian deprecation
c. All people of color and hue are targeted in global domination
2. Arabian Muslims used by White Christian Masters
a. African Maafa and slave trade
b. Mother Africa is renamed “Dark Continent” – racist slander
3. Christianity becomes pulpit of propaganda
a. Vatican – first official “C” Corporation
4. The Corporate structure
a. Feudalism becomes Capitalism
5. Galileo’s Illuminati begins
a. Preservation and exploration of Truth
b. The Illuminated Ones – intellectuals who simply knew better
c. Reacting to Church’s falsehood and Gestapo propaganda
6. Illuminati hunted like animals
a. Catholic Church labels them heretics – “Shaitanists” (Arabic term – Shaitan)
b. “Shaitan” becomes “Satan” – “Shaitanist” becomes “Satanist”
c. Illuminati falls prey to Church “labellism” propaganda
– producing social deviance on purpose
d. Illuminati becomes its own abomination
– Master Infiltrators
– Find safe haven within Freemasonry
– Become 33° degree Masons

F. America and the ‘Dirty’ Colonists
1. Freemasonry begins in America
a. 1730 (Boston) and 1733 (Philadelphia)
– The “Tun” Tavern (Spirit House)
– U.S. Marine Corps “a few good men”
– Printing presses – world’s money
2. Female Masons
a. Country Club segregation
3. Black Masons
a. Prince Hall (1735-1807)
– Barbados “free born” – the Hall family
– Mr. William Hall (master) freed him after 21 years (1756)
b. My experience in Memphis, Feb 2006
– meeting a 32º Black Mason Ken from Texas
– confirmed with Black Moor Kemitu Bey (kin to Elihu N. Pleasant-Bey)
4. “Founding Fathers” – Black Moors
a. Black Native Americans
b. George Washington and the gang
– “Washitaw” (Native American)
– Vendetta with General Cornwallis
c. Constitution – Moorish Native Americans
d. Morocco – first country to recognize U.S.A as sovereign nation
5. Abraham Lincoln and Emancipation Proclamation
a. York and Scottish Blue Lodges of Freemasonry
– Northern Freemason lodges create ABA – American BAR Association
– Southern Freemason lodges create KKK – Ku Klux Klan Knights of Liberty
b. BAR is British Accreditation Regency
– allegiance to Grand Masonic Lodge
c. 13th Amendment has its legs cut out from under it
– 14th and 15th Amendments re-categorize newly freed slaves
– they become the property of the state they were born in
– paves the way for getting away with illegal 16th Amendment – I.R.S.

G. Freemasonry splits in the 1960s
1. Prince Hall Masons secede from Illuminati Masons
a. Motivated by assassinations of civil rights leaders

H. Levites “Black Jews”
1. Ark of the Covenant

I. Current Events – Illuminati Masons from 1960s to now
1. Power struggles
a. Middle management vs. Upper management
b. World Trade Center
– western center of power for Illuminati Freemasonry
– western political arm of WTO
2. “Black Wall Street” in Tulsa, Oklahoma
a. Original Oklahoma Bombing of prominent people of color and hue
b. “Tulsa City Race Riots” of June 1, 1921
c. 3000 Negroes, Creeks, Seminoles and Jews massacred by 3000 KKK Masons
– 5 million KKK in US; 100,000 in Oklahoma
– massacre included 1400 homes, businesses, millionaires and banks
d. Act of terrorism kept secret for 70 years; “Front Lawn Genocide”
– Sheriff, Judge, Police Chief and Newspaper Owner
– President Clinton – shed light on it
e. Pluto catches up with Freemasonry 80 years later; balanced ledger books
3. Weather control
a. Hurricane Katrina, “Kat”
b. “Cat people” are Moors
c. Real Estate of New Orleans
– Halliburton & Blackwater USA
– hostile corporate takeover
d. Controlling tradable commodities
– Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait
– OIL is “Black Gold” (again, Halliburton & Blackwater USA)
– Iran and Syria will be invaded via Israeli conflict with whomever they fabricate
e. Controlled propaganda
– History Channel ep on Freemasonry

IV. Health – Body, Mind and Spirit vs. Middle Management

A. Pharmaceutical multinationals (High Priesthood)
1. Historical connection
a. High Priesthood
b. Ammon (Atum/Adam) becomes Amen-Ra (Shetu Regime, Greys)
c. Amen-Ra creates shell corporation
– Vatican City, Rome
– City of London
– District of Columbia
2. Sociological connection
a. pollute the Temple of Solomon
– destroy the gene for passion
– destroy the Krist energy
– destroy the Vril power
b. substance abuse
– alcohol, drugs, food, sex and violence
– Monsanto; GMOs
c. psychological damage
– lack of empathy for fellow humans
– Borg collective; assimilation
d. sociological damage
– culture of rape
– misogyny of women
– decimation of ancient cultures

B. Go over beating Cancer; reinforcing body’s immune system
1. Know your enemy; defeat your enemy
a. use the “battle plan” presented in my lecture syllabus starting on page 6
– visit
b. juicing aggressively on a daily basis
– use Cannabis; stems, leaves and buds
– Soursop fruit (ie. Guanabana, Graviola)
c. Osha Root; Artie “Red Medicine” Crippen, the Montauk Pharaoh
d. stem cell rejuvenation
2. The Battle Plan
a. Megadosing with Vitamin C
– Reinforces the immune system and healthy cells
b. Echinamide™ Echinacea
– cleans out the bloodstream and activates the immune system to attack
c. Megazyme Forté – pancreatic enzymes
– pineapples and papayas
– penetrates/destroys the bulletproof wall/shell that protects a malignant tumor
d. Vitamin B17
– marches in; full frontal assault – slaughters malignant cells inside tumor
e. Radio Frequency Ablation (RFA)
– eliminates malignancy in one week

V. Wealth – Economic History and Global Real Estate Investing

A. Reasons for studying economic history
1. Devil in the details
a. that which falls between the cracks
b. flip side of Linguistics
b. tied at the hip like fraternal twins
2. Begin with Robert Kiyosaki and Russ Whitney
a. Kiyosaki: philosophy and mindset
b. Whitney: mechanics and method
c. Dr. Al Lowry – Grandfather of real estate investing as we know it today
– yardstick metaphor for life

VI. Invisible College – What is it?

A. Deciphering the symbols for mass communication
1. Learned from teacher Steve Duncombe
a. SUNY Old Westbury
2. Moorish Legacy / Masonic Agenda surfacing
a. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine TV series
– Anecdote on original Star Trek scenario; Desilu Studios
– Council of Nine scenario with Gene Roddenberry and Majel Barrett
b. Other examples
– Lethal Weapon films
– Star Wars films
– The Matrix films

Book Titles, Descriptions & Links:
The Moor, The Mason And The Alien: A Call To Action (Book Two)

A visionary synthesis of alien contact, the Moorish Legacy, reincarnation and human origins, The Moor, The Mason And The Alien: A Call To Action engages the reader with a radically ambitious scope of knowledge and wisdom, putting us on track with a magnificent interstellar experience through the paranormal and extraterrestrial terrains of ancient history, psychology, economics and current affairs. Ranging from the author’s personal odyssey to the global issues we all face, Smith serves up “a spiritual insurrection”, an epic saga like no other representing the beginning of a new and riveting human adventure, taking the reader on an historical account of a global rebellion that begins with the Sasquatch going head to head with the Greys and transforms into the ancient Moorish Legacy of the Egyptian University System.


Legions of Light / Armies of Darkness (Book One)

Disturbing, challenging, surrealist and controversial are but a few words to describe the author’s epic anthology of original and powerful free verse exposing his own intimate, enlightening and horrific experiences for the first time. An autobiographical account about extraterrestrial bloodlines, the age-old struggle for civil rights and the raw passion of true love found amidst the backdrop of a hybrid war, Smith self-published the anthology in 1999 under the title Legions of Light / Armies of Darkness. Updated in 2005 with a special second edition, it was published through AuthorHouse and is currently available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble as well.


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